The Ruisdael Observatory is closely linked to two European Research Infrastructures on monitoring of air quality (ACTRIS) and greenhouse gases (ICOS).
In response to the EC Green Deal H2020 call both ACTRIS and ICOS submitted research proposals in which Ruisdael and its partners will play a role.
In the PAUL project (‘Pilot Application in Urban Landscapes – towards integrated city observatories for greenhouse gases’) coordinated by ICOS, Rotterdam – including its Ruisdael infrastructure – will be one of the 10 cities in the PAUL city network, a collection of cities that are expected to be frontrunners in adopting the PAUL results. More information about the PAUL project can be found here.
In the RI-URBANS project (Research Infrastructures Services Reinforcing Air Quality Monitoring Capacities in European Urban & Industrial AreaS, see also this link, ACTRIS teams up with air quality experts from national service bodies to demonstrate how atmospheric Research Infrastructures (RIs) can enhance services to better address the challenges and societal needs in European cities and industrial, harbour, airport and road traffic hotspots. In the Dutch metropolitan area of Rotterdam-Amsterdam, The Ruisdael Observatory research community is involved in pilot studies for pollution hot-spots.