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VIDI projects make use of Ruisdael Observatory

The project Shedding light on cloud shadows (SLOCS) by Chiel van Heerwaarden is funded by the NWO VIDI scheme. The main aim of SLOCS is to understand the variability of incoming solar radiation due to clouds, and to find physically accurate, yet fast, methods of simulating the variability. SLOCS will make heavily use of the Ruisdael Observatory: a grid of radiation measurement devices surrounding the measurement tower in Cabauw will be rolled out. Chiel is assistant professor at the Meteorology and Air Quality Group at Wageningen University. More information can be found here.

The VIDI project Tracing convective momentum transport in complex cloudy atmospheres (CMTRACE)  will combine unique measurements with fine-scale simulations to unravel the patterns of wind in many diverse cloud fields. Scanning wind lidars and cloud radars will be collocated at the Ruisdael Observatory. By coupling these measurements to Ruisdael’s Large Eddy Simulation over the Netherlands, CMTRACE will identify mechanisms that are key to convective momentum transport (CMT). New data and acquired insights will be used to improve weather prediction models. CMTRACE is led by Louise Nuijens, assistant professor in the department of Geoscience and Remote Sensing at TU Delft. More information can be found here.

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