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  • Ruisdael Science Day 2024

    Ruisdael Science Day 2024

    On September 30, 2024, the annual Ruisdael Science Day was held at Utrecht University. Experts in the field and representatives from our partners came together to share insights and strengthen collaboration, all working towards a better understanding of climate processes and air quality. The day began with opening presentations by Arnoud Apituley from the KNMI…

  • Deep learning models and an advection method for solar radiation forecasting

    Deep learning models and an advection method for solar radiation forecasting

    Reliable solar radiation and photovoltaic power prediction is essential for the safe and stable operation of electric power systems. Cloud cover is highly related with solar radiation, but existing advection-/extrapolation-based cloud forecast methods have difficulties in capturing cloud development. Researchers from KNMI have applied and compared two deep learning models and an advection method (optical…

  • Canadian forest fire smoke colours our sunset

    Canadian forest fire smoke colours our sunset

    Thick clouds of smoke gathered over forests in eastern Canada this month. Within seven days, the smoke reached the Netherlands at an altitude of three to four kilometres, carried along by a strong westerly wind. Scattering of sunlight by the smoke particles in the air coloured the sky bright red-orange during sunset last week. Forest…

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