CAINA (Cloud-Aerosol Interactions in a Nitrogen-dominated Atmosphere) project is investigating how aerosols and clouds interact under high reactive nitrogen concentrations, by combining field experiments, chamber studies and modelling. This nitrogen-dominated regime is starting to emerge in many regions of the Earth and needs to be better understood. CAINA project team makes extensive use of the Ruisdael observatory with its advanced in-situ and remote sensing infrastructure. More details about the CAINA project can be found here.
The team is inviting applications for four PhD positions within the CAINA project. In exceptional cases, highly qualified post-docs will be considered as well. They are looking for enthusiastic PhD students with a background in environmental or atmospheric sciences, physics, engineering or chemistry and a strong interest in pollution, clouds and climate. Students will be part of the CAINA research community and participate in a large, international field campaign, yearly workshops, and regular CAINA student meetings. Research stays at CAINA project’s international partners can be facilitated. In addition, all students receive a budget for training activities and professional development.
PhD1: New particle formation and CCN
PhD2: Nitrate aerosol and organic nitrogen
PhD3: Field studies of AqSOA formation
PhD4: Remote sensing of aerosol-cloud interactions
The CAINA team consists of atmospheric scientists from 4 Dutch Universities (University of Groningen, Wageningen University, TU Delft, and Utrecht University) in collaboration with project partners from Germany (MPIC-Mainz, Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric research, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) and from Cyprus (The Cyprus Institute). These parties closely collaborate on the project, combining expertise in atmospheric and aerosol physics, atmospheric chemistry, cloud remote sensing, and atmospheric modelling.
For more information, please contact PI Uli Dusek at