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Measurement station Lutjewad welcomes new Lidar

Measurement station Lutjewad has welcomed a UV lidar to their data collection! With this latest installation on 26 February 2025, the Ruisdael Observatory station in Lutjewad has gained another vital instrument. The instrument was fittingly baptised ‘LUVLi (Lutjewad UV Lidar).

It is now fully operational and producing data. The next steps will involve dissemination of the data and integrating it in the Ruisdael Observatory and ACTRIS data streams.

The coastal area around Lutjewad serves as one of four fixed state-of-the-art equipped Ruisdael Observatory measurement stations across the Netherlands. The Lutjewad station, coordinated by University of Groningen is of crucial importance for observing cloud-aerosol interactions over the coastal and marine environment, the regional evolution of aerosol and quantifying the Dutch anthropogenic greenhouse gas fluxes. Lutjewad is a certified ICOS station.

Together with the cloud radar and microwave radiometer operated by TU-Delft in Lutjewad, the KNMI operated UV-lidar completes the suite of instruments minimally needed to contribute to a ACTRIS cloud remote sensing station. The lidar also is a start for aerosol remote sensing at the station. Through the collaboration between the Ruisdael Observatory partners, some unique research infrastructure can be built.

We look forward to sharing more results with you soon!

Diego Alves Gouveia, Arnoud Apituley (KNMI)
Ulrike Dusek, Jan Mulder, Bert Kers (RUG)
Christine Unal, Herman Russchenberg, Rob Mackenzie (TU Delft)