The Ruisdael access policy acknowledges the principles of open science and the FAIR principles for data access, sharing and use. The access policy also acknowledges the relevant international initiatives (e.g. ICOS and ACTRIS) and national policies and legislations with the aim of full and open exchange of data and metadata and providing access to elaborated data products with minimum time delay and at possible no costs.
Ruisdael provides the following types of access to services and data:
- Virtual access means free access to users provided through communication networks; the available services or data are directly available through a single access point and can be simultaneously used by an unlimited number of users and the users are not selected. Virtual access within Ruisdael concerns access to quality controlled Ruisdael data and digital or other tools offered by the Ruisdael facilities. Examples: data, computing resources, products provided by the Ruisdael Datacentre.
- Physical access is ‘hands-on’ access when users physically visit a Ruisdael facility or make use of Ruisdael instruments. The available services or resources are not unlimited and a process to manage the access is required following a defined procedure and criteria for selection of users. Examples: realisation of scientific experiments on fixed and mobile platforms, education and training activities, expert support.
- Remote access is access to resources and services offered by one or more Ruisdael facilities without users physically visiting the infrastructure. Similar to physical access, the resources or services are not unlimited, and selection is required. Examples: sample distribution, instrument calibration, QA/QC services, analytical services, provision of specific data.
Virtual access to Ruisdael data and tools is free, in compliance with the Ruisdael data policy and does not require a selection process. Physical or remote access to the Ruisdael facilities, including access to specific services shall be managed by the Ruisdael Executive Board (REB) or the Ruisdael Scientific Steering Committee (RSSC). Access to Ruisdael facilities or instruments is made on user demand and might involve user fees.
Access modes
The process for selecting users to Ruisdael services is based on access modes. Access modes may differ as a function of the service requested, and may depend on possible contractual and legal obligations, capacities etc. Within Ruisdael, the following access modes apply:
- Excellence-/technical driven access; the access depends on scientific excellence, originality, quality, technical and ethical feasibility of an application or on technical needs to ensure instrument quality and high performance measurements. The access requires a request which is evaluated by the REB, eventually supplemented with a review-process of the RSSC. Upon selection, users get access to the Ruisdael facilities. This access mode is intended to enable collaborative research, knowledge transfer, training and best practice and technological development efforts across disciplinary boundaries. Examples: physical and remote access to services provided by Ruisdael facilities.
- Market-driven access; access is defined through an agreement between Ruisdael and the user. The access may be tailored to the user needs and may lead to an access fee that may remain confidential. This access requires review from the REB and/or RSSC. Example: remote access to digital services provided by the Ruisdael datacentre.
Ruisdael aims at providing free access for users where possible. Virtual access is free of charge and aiming at broad user groups. Any other form of access to Ruisdael platforms and instruments is made on user demand and might involve user fees. Fees will be determined on a case-by-case basis and are in line with applicable laws and regulations.

Regulatory and ethical aspects
In all activities Ruisdael shall respect and comply with any national and European legislation applicable regarding ethics, the protection of personal data and privacy, fair data stewardship and unauthorized state aid. Everyone in Ruisdael works in a socially ethical way, keeping the integrity and fairness and maintaining high level of trust and respect among the people working in Ruisdael and with users and other stakeholders.
One should always consider that the mission of Ruisdael is to provide effective access for a wide user community to its data and services, in order to facilitate high-quality atmospheric research, to increase the excellence in atmospheric research, and to provide information and knowledge on developing sustainable solutions to societal challenges.
Description access workflow
Requests for access are addressed to the Ruisdael Coordination Office.
- The Coordination Office will carry out the eligibility and feasibility check and sends the request to the operator of the (mobile) facility;
- Internal review by operator of (mobile) facility –> if OK, than positive reply to Coordination Office. If not OK, than iteration with proposer. After iteration, operator sends reply to Coordination Office;
- Coordination Office will schedule request in Executive Board Meeting (EB);
- Review by EB –> if OK: positive advise to SSC. In case there is no consensus within SSC or in case of possible conflicts of interests (e.g. competing proposals): external review of request;
- SSC makes final decision based on advise EB or outcome external review;
- The Coordination Office provides feedback to the applicant.
List of operators and contact details:
facility | PI/operator | Institute | ||
Loobos | Michiel vd Molen | WUR | ||
Lutjewad | RUG | |||
Cabauw | Arnoud Apituley | KNMI | ||
Rotterdam | Hugo Denier van der Gon | TNO | ||
Mobile facilities: | ||||
Van and Trailer | Arjan Hensen | TNO | ||
Aircraft | Ronald Hutjes | WUR | ||
Drone | RUG | |||
Cloud Profiler | Christine Unal | TUD | ||
Scintillometer | Oscar Hartogensis | WUR | ||
Ruisdael Coordination Office | TUD |