Ruisdael Science Day 2018


The Ruisdael Science Day, formerly called CESAR Science Day, was held on the 31st of May 2018 at KNMI. This yearly event aims at bringing together scientists who work within the framework of the Ruisdael project or related science project. In this way we hope to stimulate cooperation between the various disciplines that are represented within Ruisdael. Instrumentalists, data analysts and modellers were encouraged to present their work. The programme of the Ruisdael Science Day 2018 is listed below and links to presentation and posters are included. More than 25 scientists, PhD students and post-docs of the affiliated institutes attended the first Ruisdael Science day.

Oral Presentations
Name (affiliation) Title Download
Fred Bosveld (KNMI)Opening 
Bart Kruijt (WUR)20+ years Loobos pptx (20.8 MB)
Wouter Peters (RUG/WUR)lutjewad pptx (22.4 MB) (no movies)
pptx (175.6 MB) (with 2 movies)
Jordi Vila (WUR)Locality matters: substantial reductions in regional cloud cover and mid-tropospheric moisture convection by dynamic plant responses pptx (30.0 MB)
Herman Russchenberg (TUD)The Ruisdael Large-Scale Research Infrastructure Start of the project and organisational aspects pptx (47.6 MB)
Ronald Hutjes (WUR)Aeroplane based flux observations pptx (38.0 MB)
Miriam Coenders (TUD)Application of Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) in the atmosphere pptx (46.3 MB)
George Biskos (TUD)Inexpensive aerosol instrumentation for distributed air quality measurements pptx (23.8 MB)
Jelle Assink (KNMI)High-resolution observations of a meteo-tsunami  
Wouter Knap (KNMI)The Cabauw Baseline Surface Radiation Network station pptx (10.1 MB)
Arjen Hensen (TNO-ECN)25 years of Cabauw GHG observations pptx (19.2 MB)

Poster Sessions
Name (affiliation) Title Download
Job Mos (UU/KNMI)Cloud parameters from Total Sky Imager pdf (3.7 MB)
Mariska Koning (TUD)Variability in momentum flux profiles with cloudiness pdf (3.3 MB)
Ulrike Dusek (RUG)Aerosol sampling campaign and carbon isotope measurements in Lutjewad pdf (1.0 MB)


General information

Cabauw 40 year



CESAR Consortium

CESAR Database

Ruisdael Observatory