CESAR Science Day 2017


The CESAR Science Day was held on the 9th of June 2017 at KNMI. This yearly event aims at bringing together scientists who work with CESAR observations. In this way we hope to stimulate cooperation between the various disciplines that are represented within the CESAR consortium. Instrumentalists, data analysts and modellers were encouraged to present their work. The programme of the Science Day 2017 is listed below and links to presentation and posters are included. More than 25 CESAR scientists, PhD students and post-docs of the affiliated CESAR institutes attended the fifth CESAR Science day.

Oral Presentations
Name (affiliation) Title Download
Fred Bosveld(KNMI)Opening 
Henk Klein Baltink (KNMI)CRIME investigations pptx (4.2 MB)
Louise Nuijens (TUD)Connecting convection to the momentum budget of large-scale circulations pdf (10.5 MB)
Jon Ander Arrilaga Mitxelena (UCM)Sea-breeze occurrences in Cabauw: implications for the scalar-transport and dynamics of the boundary layer pptx (4.7 MB)
Ruben Schulte (TUD)2D structure of the SBL pptx (14.8 MB)
Jonothan Izett (TUD)Fog forecasting at Cabauw pdf (15.4 MB)
Sukanta Basu (TUD)Scaling analyses utlizing the Cabauw meteorological tower data pdf (0.5 MB)
Michiel van Weele (KNMI)Gap Analysis for Integrated Atmospheric ECV Climate Monitoring (GAIA-CLIM) pptx (0.7 MB)
Kangming Xu (UU)Analysis of the composition of organic aerosol from long term measurements at the rural Cabauw site in the Netherlands pptx (12.8 MB)
Jessica Stricklandd (UU)Semi volatile organic compounds monitored using a Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass Spectrometer (PTRMS) at 200 m pptx (6.5 MB)
George Biskos (TUD)Vertical profiles of the aerosol mass concentration: comparing LIDAR observations with airborne in-situ measurements using drones pdf (10.1 MB)
Jan Vonk (RIVM)Sensor measurments during CINDI-2 and beyond. Woring towards integrated networks of the future! pptx (4.0 MB)

Poster Sessions
Name (affiliation) Title Download
Madelon Smink(KNMI)Infrasound signals detected at the Cabauw micro barometer array - the first three dimensional infrasound array in the world! pdf (27.5 MB)
Henk van den Brink (KNMI)Climatology of extreme wind gusts pdf(0.2 MB)
Fred Bosveld(KNMI)The nocturnal surface energy budget at Cabauw pdf(1.0 MB)


General information

Cabauw 40 year



CESAR Consortium

CESAR Database

Ruisdael Observatory