CESAR Science Day 2016


The CESAR Science Day was held on the 7th of June 2016 at KNMI. This yearly event aims at bringing together scientists who work with CESAR observations. In this way we hope to stimulate cooperation between the various disciplines that are represented within the CESAR consortium. Instrumentalists, data analysts and modellers were encouraged to present their work. The programme of the Science Day 2016 is listed below and links to presentation and posters are included. More than 30 CESAR scientists, PhD students and post-docs of the affiliated CESAR institutes attended the fourth CESAR Science day.

Oral Presentations
Name (affiliation) Title Download
Gerard van der Steenhoven (KNMI)Opening 
Herman Russchenberg (TUD)Ruisdael Observatory pptx (5.7 MB)
Arnoud Apituley (KNMI)CESAR organisation pptx (23.6 MB)
Damon Peperkamp (KNMI)Validation of the SEVIRI surface solar irradiance product using Cabauw BSRN data pdf (3.3 MB)
Jiapeng Yin (TUD)Polarimetric Optimization for Clutter Suppression in Spectral Polarimetric Weather Radar ppt (1.7 MB)
Dave Donovan (KNMI)Depolarization Lidar Observed Stratus Cloud based number density and adiabatic fraction during the ACCEPT campaign pptx (11.6 MB)
Stephanie Rusli (TUD)Towards simultaneous retrieval of water cloud and drizzle properties using ground-based radar, lidar and microwave radiometer pdf (1.5 MB)
Dimitra Mamali (TUD)Atmospheric particle size distribution and hygroscopicity at Cabauw for the period 2008-2014 pptx (6.8 MB)
George Biskos (TUD)Towards lightweight and inexpensive instruments for distributed in-situ measurements of aerosol particles pptx (48.2 MB)
Jordi Vila (WUR)Atmospheric processes controlling photosynthesis: large-eddy simulation experiments pptx (21.9 MB)
Gert-Jan Steeneveld (WUR)Forecasting radiation fog at climatologically contrasting sites: evaluation of statistical methods and WRF pptx (3.8 MB)
Steven van der Linden (TUD)One Thousand and One Nights, a fairy tale at Cabauw (not available)
Bas van de Wiel (TUD)A lumped parameter view on nocturnal boundary layer dynamics (not available)
Jelle Assink (KNMI)Characterizing infrasound and gravity waves in the boundary layer using the 3D micro barometer array at CESAR pdf (9.0 MB)

Poster Sessions
Name (affiliation) Title Download
Lukas Pfitzenmaier (TUD)Radar observations of ice particle growth along fall-streaks within mixed-phase clouds pdf (1.8 MB)
Cisco de Bruijn (KNMI)Wind measurements from hot-air balloon flights pdf(1.4 MB)
Arnoud Apituley (KNMI)ACTRIS activities in Sentinel-5p/TROPOMI and ADM-Aeolus CAL/VAL pdf(7.7 MB)
Lotte de Vos (WUR/KNMI)Validation of crowdsourced automatic rain gauge measurements in Amsterdam pdf(2.0 MB)
Thomas Röckmann (UU)High Temporal Resolution Measurements and Modeling of the Isotopic Composition of Methane in Europe pdf(5.0 MB)
Ulrike Dusek (RUG/UU)Fossil sources of carbonaceous aerosol derived from the LOTOS-EUROS model and radiocarbon measurements at Cabauw pptx(1.6 MB)
Albert Oude Nijhuis (TUD)Assessment of the rain drop inertia effect for radar based turbulence intensity retrievals pdf(1.8 MB)

Name (affiliation) Title Download
Claudia Brauwer (WUR)CESAR soil hydrology pdf (7.6 MB)


General information

Cabauw 40 year



CESAR Consortium

CESAR Database

Ruisdael Observatory