Roeland van Oss (KNMI) | Welcome | ppt (4.1 MB) |
Remko Uijlenhoet (WUR-HYD) | Precipitation research at CESAR and beyond | pdf (4.6 MB) |
Claudia Brauwer (WUR-HYD) | Relations between surface water, groundwater, soil moisture and evapotranspiration at CESAR |
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pdf3 (0.6 MB) |
Ricardo Reinoso Rondinel (TUD-EWI) | Toward the optimal resolution of rainfall estimates to obtain reliable urban hydrological response |
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avi (18.4 MB)
Albert Oude Nijhuis (TUD-EWI) | Dynamics of turbulence in precipitation: Unravelling the eddies | ppt (3.8 MB) |
Jieying Ding (WUR-MAQ/KNMI) | A Comparison of air quality simulated by LOTO-EUROS coupled with Harmonie and ECMWF | pptx (1.7 MB) |
Ankie Piters (KNMI) | Measuring vertical profiles and tropospheric columns of NO2 | ppt (8.0 MB) |
Alex Vermeulen (ECN) | INGOS campagne on Methane | pdf (2.2 MB) |
Eduardo Barbaro (WUR-MAQ) | Aerosols in the convective boundary-layer: effects on the radiation field and the land-atmosphere system. | pptx (3.4 MB) |
Ulrike Dusek (UU-IMAU) | Fossil and modern sources of aerosol carbon in the Netherlands � A year-long radiocarbon study | pptx (4.0 MB) |
Arjan van Beelen (UU-IMAU) | Estimation of aerosol water and chemical composition from AERONET at Cabauw, the Netherlands |
pptx (13.1 MB) |
Ping Wang (KNMI) | Application of Cabauw aerosol, cloud and radiation data in the validation of satellite products | ppt (2.3 MB) |
Dave Donovan (KNMI) | The exploitation of multiple-scattering induced depolarization in lidar sounding of water clouds | pptx (3.5 MB) |