CESAR Science Day 2013


The CESAR Science Day was held on the 19th of June 2013 at KNMI. It aims at bringing together scientists who work with CESAR observations. In this way we hope to stimulate cooperation between the various disciplines that are represented within the CESAR consortium. Instrumentalists, data analysts and modellers were encouraged to present their work. The programme of the Science Day 2013 is listed below and links to presentation and posters are included. More than 30 scientists, PhD students and post-docs of the affiliated CESAR institutes visited this day. At the end of the day all agreed that this meeting was very useful, interesting and informative and a CESAR science meeting organized on a yearly basis would be very welcome.

Oral Presentations
Name (affiliation) Title Download
Roeland van Oss (KNMI)Welcomeppt (4.1 MB)
Remko Uijlenhoet (WUR-HYD)Precipitation research at CESAR and beyondpdf (4.6 MB)
Claudia Brauwer (WUR-HYD)Relations between surface water, groundwater, soil moisture and evapotranspiration at CESAR pdf1 (21.9 MB)
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Ricardo Reinoso Rondinel (TUD-EWI)Toward the optimal resolution of rainfall estimates to obtain reliable urban hydrological response pptx (36.5 MB)
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avi (18.4 MB)
Albert Oude Nijhuis (TUD-EWI)Dynamics of turbulence in precipitation: Unravelling the eddiesppt (3.8 MB)
Jieying Ding (WUR-MAQ/KNMI)A Comparison of air quality simulated by LOTO-EUROS coupled with Harmonie and ECMWFpptx (1.7 MB)
Ankie Piters (KNMI)Measuring vertical profiles and tropospheric columns of NO2ppt (8.0 MB)
Alex Vermeulen (ECN)INGOS campagne on Methanepdf (2.2 MB)
Eduardo Barbaro (WUR-MAQ)Aerosols in the convective boundary-layer: effects on the radiation field and the land-atmosphere system.pptx (3.4 MB)
Ulrike Dusek (UU-IMAU)Fossil and modern sources of aerosol carbon in the Netherlands � A year-long radiocarbon studypptx (4.0 MB)
Arjan van Beelen (UU-IMAU)Estimation of aerosol water and chemical composition from AERONET at Cabauw, the Netherlands pptx (13.1 MB)
Ping Wang (KNMI)Application of Cabauw aerosol, cloud and radiation data in the validation of satellite productsppt (2.3 MB)
Dave Donovan (KNMI)The exploitation of multiple-scattering induced depolarization in lidar sounding of water cloudspptx (3.5 MB)

Poster Sessions
Name (affiliation) Title Download
Karolina Sarna (TUD-EWI)Aerosol indirect effect measurements in Cabauwpdf (0.8 MB)
Lukas Pfitzenmaier (TUD-EWI)Combined measurements from TARA and CAELI: Applications for mixed cloud studiespdf (1.3 MB)
Yunlong Li (TUD-EWI)Combined Modeling and Observations of Visibility and Radar Reflectivity in Radiation Fogpdf (1.2 MB)
Alfonso Fernandez (-/KNMI)Caeli Water Vapour Raman Lidar Calibration at the Cabauw Experimental Site for Atmospheric Researchpdf (1. MB)
Arnoud Apituley (KNMI)Cabauw/De Bilt as a GRUAN stationpdf (5.4 MB)
Yann Dufournet (TUD)TARA Observation of convective cloud systems over the CESAR observatorypdf (30.0 MB)
Tobias Otto (TUD)Rainfall rate retrieval with IDRA, the polarimetric X-band radar at Cabauw, Netherlandspdf (95.7 MB)
General information

Cabauw 40 year



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CESAR Database

Ruisdael Observatory