BSRN Baseline Surface Radiation Network
Contact: Wouter Knap (KNMI)
EARLINET European Aerosol Research Lidar Network
Contact: Arnoud Apituley (KNMI) |
GALION The Global Atmosphere Watch Aerosol Lidar Observation Network
Contact: Arnoud Apituley (KNMI) |
CEOP Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observations Project
Contact: Fred Bosveld (KNMI) |
Cloudnet Development of a European network for observing cloud profiles
Contact: Henk Klein Baltink (KNMI) |
GAW Global Atmosphere Watch
Contact: Arnoud Apituley (KNMI) |
GRUAN GCOS Reference Upper Air Network
Contact: Arnoud Apituley (KNMI) |
E-Profile EUMETNET Profiler and Lidar Network
Contact: Marijn de Haij (KNMI) |
E-WINPROF EUCOS Windprofiler Network (Now part of E-Profile)
Contact: Henk Klein Baltink (KNMI) |
ICOS-NL Integrated Carbon Observing System - NL
Contact: Fred Bosveld (KNMI) |
MWRnet An International Network of Ground-based Microwave Radiometers
Contact: Henk Klein Baltink (KNMI) |