Instruments - active

At CESAR a suite of instruments is operated (semi-)continuously on the ground and in the tower. Here we list instruments presently located in Cabauw whether or not online. Additional information for the instruments is provided in a separate data-sheet (when available). In the table the instruments are listed alphabetical by full name.

Full nameMentorOwnerInfo
Aerosol Particle SizerBas HenzingTNO 
Air pressure Paroscientific 1016B-01 Fred BosveldKNMI
Air temperature E&E Pt1000Fred BosveldKNMI
Air temperature KNMI Pt500Fred BosveldKNMI
Baseline Surface Radiation Network stationWouter KnapKNMI
Boundary layer Windprofiler/RASS (1.29 GHz) LAP3000 Henk Klein BaltinkKNMI
Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy for CO2 and CGH4 (Picarro)Arjan HensenECN
Ceilometer CT75 Henk Klein BaltinkKNMI 
Ceilometer LD40Henk Klein BaltinkKNMI 
Cloud Radar (zenith pointing 35 GHz) PDN100 Henk Klein BaltinkKNMI 
Cup anemometer KNMIFred BosveldKNMI
Dew point temperature E&E33Fred BosveldKNMI
Dew point temperature Vaisala HP243Fred BosveldKNMI
Digital Sky CameraHenk Klein BaltinkKNMI 
Drizzle Radar (scanning) IDRA Fred van der ZwanTUD
Fast response H2O/CO2 LICOR 7500Fred BosveldKNMI
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer for CO2,CH4, N2O and COArjan HensenECN
GPS receiversHans van der MarelTUD 
Infrared temperature Heiman KT15Fred BosveldKNMI
Infrasound arrayLaslo EversKNMI 
Integrating NephelometerBas HenzingTNO 
Microwave Radiometer (3-channel) Rescom Antonio MartellucciESA 
Microwave Radiometer (scanning) ATPROP Antonio MartellucciESA 
Microwave Radiometer (scanning) HATPRO Henk Klein BaltinkKNMI 
Multi Angle Absorption PhotometerBas HenzingTNO 
Multi Filter Rotating Shadow Band RadiometerWouter KnapKNMI
PAR Photosynthetically Active RadiationJan ElbersWURC
Precipitation KNMIFred BosveldKNMI
Precision Filter RadiometerWouter KnapKNMI
Present weather sensorRemko UilenhoetWUR 
Present weather Vaisala FD12PFred BosveldKNMI
Pyranometer CM11Wouter KnapKNMI
Pyranometer CM22Wouter KnapKNMI
Pyranometer CMP22Wouter KnapKNMI
Pyranometer K&Zn CM11Fred BosveldKNMI
Pyranometer K&Zn CM22Fred BosveldKNMI
Pyrgeometer CG4Wouter KnapKNMI
Pyrgeometer CGR4Wouter KnapKNMI
Pyrgeometer Eppley PIRFred BosveldKNMI
Pyrgeometer K&Zn CG4Fred BosveldKNMI
Pyrheliometer CH1Wouter KnapKNMI
Pyrometer (scanning) NubiScopeHenk Klein BaltinkKNMI
Radon monitorArjan HensenECN 
Raman Lidar CAELI Arnoud ApituleyKNMI
Scanning Mobility Particle SizerBas HenzingTNO 
Soil heat flux Hukseflux HFP01SCFred BosveldKNMI
Soil heat flux TNO WS31SFred BosveldKNMI
Soil temperature KNMIFred BosveldKNMI
Soil water content CS615Fred BosveldKNMI
Soil water pressure Keller 26WFred BosveldKNMI
Sonic anemometer GILL R3Fred BosveldKNMI
Sun Photometer CIMELGerrit de LeeuwTNO 
Sun Photometer SPUVWouter KnapKNMI
Sunshine duration sensor CSD3Wouter KnapKNMI
SuntrackerWouter KnapKNMI
Total Sky ImagerHenk Klein BaltinkKNMI 
Transportable Atmospheric Radar (3.6 GHz FMCW)Christine UnalTUD 
UV A(315-400nm) RadiometerWouter KnapKNMI
UV B(280-315nm) RadiometerWouter KnapKNMI
UV-Lidar Dave DonovanKNMI 
Visibility BIRAL 100Fred BosveldKNMI
Wind vane KNMIFred BosveldKNMI
Windprofiler/RASS (1.29 GHz) LAP3000 Henk Klein BaltinkKNMI
XLAS Scintillometer K&ZnFred BosveldKNMI
XLAS Scintillometer WURFred BosveldKNMI
General information

Cabauw 40 year



CESAR Consortium

CESAR Database

Ruisdael Observatory