Cabauw 40 years Gallery

Have a look at photos from the early years of the observatory: tape readers, teletype, switchboards, wires, more wires, connectors and instruments. We could recover only a few photos of the building phase itself but you can watch the 8 mm movie of the building of the tower under menu link 'movies'.

A link to a PDF copy of two photobooks with photos from the first 25 years is available under menu link 'documents'.

You can use also your mousewheel to scroll through the images once you have clicked on a thumbnail.

Cabauw Gallery:   487 photos selected, showing page 5 of 5


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We want to credit all the people who took the photos we show here. For a (major) part of the photos presented we don't know for certain the name of the photographer. If your photo is displayed here too, please send an email to the content manager and your name will be included here. We like to thank Gerard van der Vliet, Sjaak Warmer, Han Geyp, Jon Wieringa, Marcel Brinkenberg and all others for their contribution.
