Articles and other documents

Most of the KNMI scientific and technical documents that relate to Cabauw are available online from the main menu under "Publications". Here we list some documents and leaflets published in the early seventies about the Cabauw tower. The three documents listed below are in Dutch.

  • T. Andringa, "De 200 m-mast te Cabauw ten behoeve van het K.N.M.I",
    KNMI Interne Mededeling 51, 06-May-1971 (download, 400 kB, pdf).
  • "Nieuwe meetmast voor KNMI", October 1972 (download, 4 MB, pdf).
  • E.S. Zeevenhooven, "Waarnemingsmast in Lopik van het KNMI",
    Article in "Bouwen met staal", May 1975 (download from "Bouwen met Staal", 4.3 MB, pdf).

More information about the facilities in and around the tower:

  • W.A.A. Monna, and J.G. van der Vliet, 'Facilities for research and weather observations on the 213m tower at Cabauw in the Netherlands and at remote locations', KNMI Scientific Report (KNMI WR87-05), 1987. (download Report)

An overview of research at Cabauw till mid nineties is presented in:

  • A.P. van Ulden, J. Wieringa, "Atmospheric boundary layer research at Cabauw", Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 1996, 78, pages 39-69.

An overview of 40 years Cabauw was published in Meteorologica, the three monthly magazine of the NVBM (Nederlandse Vereniging ter Bevordering van Meteorologie):

  • Wim Monna en Fred Bosveld, "Het KNMI Cabauw observatorium bestaat 40 jaar", Meteorologica 22, no. 1, pages 4-8, 2013. (download, 3.5 MB, pdf) (courtesy NVBM, Meteorologica)

Two overview reports on 40 years of research at the Cabauw Site were published by KNMI:

  • Monna W., A. Apituley, R. Boers, F. Bosveld, H. Klein Baltink and W. Knap (eds), "40 years Cabauw Observatory 1972 - 2012, 10 highlights." (download, 13.3 MB, pdf).
  • Monna W. and F. Bosveld, "In Higher Spheres - 40 years of observations at the Cabauw Site", (download, 5.6 MB, pdf)

Many photos have been taken of the mast, instruments, people and events. Up to the mid nineties photo prints were collected and kept in a hard cover photobook by Gerard van der Vliet (KNMI, retired). Andre Ibeling has recently scanned these two hard cover photobooks. Click on the links below to download the photobooks in PDF format.

  • Cabauw photobook 1 (download, 8.8 MB, pdf).
  • Cabauw photobook 2 (download, 11.7 MB, pdf).
