CESAR Observatory

The Cesar Observatory is located in the western part of the Netherlands (51.971° N, 4.927° E) in a polder 0.7 m below mean sealevel. At the site a large set of instruments is operated to study the atmosphere and its interaction with the land surface.

The Cesar site is used for:

  • Monitoring of long term tendencies in atmospheric changes
  • Studies of atmospheric and land surface processes for climate modeling
  • Validation of space-borne observations
  • The development and implementation of new measurement techniques
  • Training of young scientists at post-doc, PhD and master level.

Three universities and five major research institutes collaborate in Cesar. It is the focal point of experimental atmospheric research in The Netherlands.

In 2018 a large scale infrastructure project was awarded by NWO (Dutch Research Council): the Ruisdael observatory. The CESAR observatory at Cabauw will play a major role in the Ruisdael Observatory as one of the four measuring stations.

The CESAR Observatory website is no longer maintained and only relevant pages are archived and displayed here.

General information

Cabauw 40 year



CESAR Consortium

CESAR Database

Ruisdael Observatory